Introducing Youth to the Hunting Fellowship

Take a kid hunting, acquaint them with the outdoors, and institute an incredible opportunity that lasts a lifetime. Introducing young hunters to the tradition, the camaraderie, and the fellowship of the hunter’s lifestyle is an incredible gift that is graciously shared year after year and season after season from seasoned hunters to a new generation. The simple act of inclusion and invitation to be a part of something as ancient as the hunter’s heritage brings about fantastic dreams and mythical tales of extraordinary hunts gone by and the promise of hunts yet to come.


Bringing youngsters into the fold not only secures the legacy and future of this cherished way of life, held dear by those who pursue wild proteins, but nurtures the seeds of conservation and the passion for all wild things and wild places for generations to come.


All are welcome to experience the sights, sounds, and smells of the woods, prairies, lakes and marshes. Good dogs, campfires and incredible lessons await anyone willing to take up the path, so Come On - let’s go.


Getting Kids Outdoors


In a world full of electronic screens, social media, and stores that sell “convenience,” it can be hard to convince young ladies and gentlemen to invest their time into something as foreign as a trip into the outdoors.


With a little forethought and planning, even hunts without an opportunity at harvesting game can be successful. Here are some tips and tricks to make youth hunts fantastic, memorable, and the cornerstone of a firm foundation for a love of the outdoors.


Tips & Tricks for Taking Kids Hunting


  • Be Comfortable - Comfort from cold and rain and snow are an enormous bonus when it comes to getting youth outdoors. While it can be true that the ducks are flying, the birds sit better, or the deer are moving when the weather is tough, discomfort in the field is often detrimental to a new hunter’s journey.


If it’s possible, opt for early season opportunities when the weather is traditionally milder. Starting later in the day when the sun is beginning to warm things up may mean less chance of finding your query but a greater chance of developing a new passionate hunter by avoiding the most uncomfortable part of the day.


Bring extras: extra snacks, extra drinks, extra gloves, and extra hand warmers. Warm hands and a full belly can often mean the difference between a few more hours on the hunt rather than hanging it up early.


  • Start Small - Small game hunting, small sits in the blind, or small outings into the woods or onto the prairie are just right for youth hunters starting out. Take care not to overdo it. A short walk down a creek with a rimfire rifle for squirrels or a quick evening in a duck blind make great introductions to the hunting lifestyle.


  • Have a Good Hide - Being still is a skill that takes time and discipline to learn. For many youth and many adults, for that matter, sitting still is an incredible task. For hunters in pursuit of wary ducks, ever alert deer or wild turkeys, movement from the hunter is sure to end the hunt.


Portable pop-up blinds or hub-style blinds are great options for getting kids hidden during a hunt. Throw in a blind chair and even a sleeping bag, and the odds of not getting picked off by the query become more favorable.


C'mon to the Hunter’s Fellowship


Passing on the tradition and inclusive fellowship to young hunters offers wholesome protein to nourish the body and impactful experiences to nourish the spirit and soul. Take the time to get a young man or lady out this season, tell them to Come On, and let’s go.